Front cover of the Official Book for the film Z.
Z - Official Book - excerpt
Z - Official Book - excerpt
Z (2024) - trailer

More about the release

Embark on a journey beyond the ordinary with a visionary book experience unlike any other—an odyssey through the heart of the cosmos and the soul of the Earth. This cinematic tapestry, inspired by Raoul Ruiz's shamanic cinema, is a montage that transcends the boundaries of human perception.

Record details

Video, Publishing, Art
Release Date
4 March 2025
Catalog Number

Z - Official Book

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The Official Book for the short film Z (2024), directed by Marco Furyu, is here. The film structures itself around the shamanic cinema and will take you through a poetic voyage from our world into the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms, even to the stars, and then back to humanity again. Digital. Portuguese version. 10 pages. Free edition.

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Limited run of 30